Are we done yet?

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She wanted it to be over. Could she possibly be thinking she was going to hate every second of it? (yup)

She procrastinated quite a bit in scheduling our session! What?? (Can you relate?)

What is it about even thinking about the camera being pointed right at you?

You’re probably thinking all of you flaws, imperfections, all of it will be readily available to be immortalized in a photo!!!

You know, it’s really not like that. I’m looking for your best angle, where the light hits your face, is your hair casting a shadow on your cheek?

Professional makeup does wonders for making your skin look dewy and clear.

And good retouching on my part makes sure those problem areas are never seen by anyone.

Could it be that having your picture taken is right up there with the dentist or giving an oral presentation at work?

But here is where I come in. You’ll have:

  • A changing room for privacy

  • Snacks and water

  • Hair and makeup artist if you want

  • Music playing and a fun environment

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So, she hung up her clothes, and got in her chair. She relaxed. Luckily, getting your hair and makeup done and conversation helps with the nerves.

We got to talking. Turns out she’s from my home state, just 10 miles from my hometown. We laughed. We lamented the pandemic, we’re both moms, living in the same town, we both have sons (her 2, me 1).

We got some great shots! But 3 tops, that was it. That was her limit. (Can you relate?) No more! (And she brought more than 3!)

And get this!!! She said I made her comfortable in her own skin. Aaaaaah! One of the highest compliments I could ever hear. Who really is comfortable in their own skin while getting their picture taken!

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If it’s been a while, chances are you need to update your head shot. Call me today at 818 263 2844.

Getting you comfortable in that skin of yours is my specialty.

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What is perfect?

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It’s not perfect and I don’t care. Because it is perfect.

It’s perfect because I love it.
It’s perfect because my client loved it.

Will it win any awards? Nope. The hair in the face is all wrong.

But we didn’t care! (Insert laughter!)

Because it made us feel something when we looked at it.
It told a story (the best images do!) and we couldn’t stop looking at it.

I have a vocal rehearsal tape from a voice lesson over 10 years ago.
In the lesson, I’m being instructed on my way of singing a certain exercise and I’m being coached on how to do it more effectively.

We then move on to another vocal exercise, and after about 2 seconds in my teacher stops, and loudly proclaims “Don’t be judging!”.

My face must have been giving it away. I was judging myself - and I‘m sure it wasn’t good!

Here’s the thing: 10 years later at that point in the tape when I’m rehearsing today, it still catches me. I still need to hear it because, right then and there, in present time, I’m judging myself - and I hear him loudly proclaim “Don’t be judging!” 10 years later, still judging.

Less judging.
More compassion.
More forgiveness.
More self love.

To you and yours.

My Weakness Is Now My Strength

Kick-ass makeup artist Mimica

Kick-ass makeup artist Mimica

I love this photo of kick-ass makeup artist Mimica. She’s always been a constant reminder to me of my worth. Do you have friends like that?

I don’t know where I picked it up, the self-loathing that I’ve had to deal with my whole life. Let me take my parents off the hook right now. I know they loved me, I know they continue to love me, and it’s not their fault.

I interpreted all kinds of messages when I was younger and those interpretations haunt me still.I’m tired of it.

It’s heavy this burden.

I want it to be gone. I wonder what I’m like without it. I’ve prayed and asked for wisdom,
I’ve read countless books,
been to seminars,
watched videos,
and even listened to various authors and speakers.

Some of that has been more helpful than others, and I end up rereading my favorites.

Why? Why do I feel this way, and better yet, how do I change it?

This is how.

My weakness has turned into my strength by teaching and showing others about self-love. Now it all makes sense.

This is the photography I really want to do. I can show you that you are not the person that you hate;

I can show you a beautiful person, a fun person, a sweet and kind person, someone that I see through my lens.

I can show you a kick-ass friend, a rock star, a super woman, a survivor. I can show you a sexy woman, an elegant classy woman, a warrior.

Do it for you.

Come to my studio and see what I’m all about. You’ll leave with images you can share, or give away or whatever. But mostly, you’ll have them for you. And you’ll be modeling good self-care for some little girl out there who needs to see that in you.